April 6, 2021

How digital transformation and technology can assist in value reinvention.

Mustafa Mattar

ΙΒΜ-Enterprise Strategy Service Line Leader

Register for the upcoming Value Talks starting from June 8th. 
Join our monthly themed talks to discover how key industry experts are tackling their challenges and reinventing value delivery for the customers. Every month, VCL will be hosting a key industry expert for an interview on our Value Talks program. The key industry expert will be interviewed on how they tackle the challenges of value reinvention, in today’s new Low-Touch economy.

The Key industry expert will be interviewed on how they tackle the challenges of value reinvention, in today’s new Low-Touch economy.

Registration Form

Mustafa Mattar

Mustafa Has over 18 years of professional experience across MEA region, has worked as a strategy consultant helping clients in developing and executing strategic innovation & transformation strategies.
His expertise includes strategic planning, business design and transformation, and digital reinvention.
As enterprise strategy leader he is driving the resources and business development of the practice within IBM – CIC MEA.
Mustafa has studied strategic management and professional consulting at Brighton business school-UK and has a bachelor’s degree in computer science.